Parent Visa Australia: How They Work in 2024!

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Table of Contents

    Corazon Jasa

    Written: January 24, 2024

    Updated: January 24, 2024

    15 min read

    parent visa australia

    Everything You Need To Know About Parent Visas For Australia: A Comprehensive Guide

    If you’re hoping to reunite your family across Australian shores, navigating parent visas can be daunting. Did you know that Australia offers a range of visa options tailored for parents? This guide will unravel the complexities, providing clarity on how to bring your loved ones Down Under.

    Dive in and discover everything you need to make informed decisions—read on!

    Key Takeaways

    • Australia offers both temporary and permanent parent visas for family reunions.
    • The Contributory Parent visa is faster but more expensive than the non-contributory options.
    • Applicants must meet health and character checks to qualify for a parent visa.
    • Financial obligations include proof of income, application fees, and possibly an Assurance of Support bond.
    • Visa processing times can be long; planning ahead is essential.

    Overview of Parent Visas

    Right, let’s dive straight into the heart of Parent Visas for Australia – a pathway that can reunite you with family Down Under. These visas come in various forms, each designed to suit different circumstances and needs, offering both temporary and permanent solutions for those dreaming of an Australian family reunion.

    Parent permanent visa options

    You want to live closer to your family in Australia. Parent visas can help make this dream come true. Here are the permanent visa options you can consider:

    • Subclass 103 Parent Visa: This choice allows you to join your children in Australia if more of them live there than in any other country. You must be sponsored by your child, who should be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen. Keep in mind that this visa might take a long time to process.
    • Subclass 143 Contributory Parent Visa: With this option, you can move to Australia more quickly but it costs more. Your sponsoring child must also be settled as an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen. The higher fee goes towards your healthcare costs in Australia.

    Parent temporary visas

    • The Sponsored Parent (Temporary) Visa (subclass 870) is popular. It allows your parent to stay in Australia for up to 3 or 5 years per application.
    • To get this visa, your parent must be sponsored by an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen.
    • Your parent can apply for further visas to visit for up to 10 years, but they must be outside Australia for at least 90 days between stays.
    • This visa doesn’t lead to permanent residency, but it’s great for longer visits without the big cost of a permanent visa.
    • Sponsors need to show they can support their parents financially during the stay, including healthcare costs.
    • Parents can’t work on this visa—they’re here to enjoy family time and explore Australia.
    • Applying online is easy. Your parent fills out the form and attaches documents like birth certificates and sponsor details.
    • Applications are checked thoroughly. Health checks and character assessments are part of the process.
    • Fees are involved—there’s an application charge plus extra costs for health checks and other documents.

    The Process of Applying for a Parent Visa Australia

    Embarking on the application journey for a Parent Visa could be your ticket to forging lasting family connections in Australia. It’s a step-by-step voyage, beginning with understanding eligibility requirements and navigating through an intricate application process, all while keeping watch of processing times that shape this significant chapter of your life.

    Eligibility requirements

    • You must have a child in Australia who is a citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen.
    • The balance-of-family test is key. This means at least half of your children must live in Australia or more of your children live in Australia than any other single country.
    • Health checks are needed to protect everyone’s well – being. You and any family members applying with you must meet health standards.
    • Good character is a must. Police checks help confirm you and your family members over 16 have no major legal issues.
    • For the Contributory Parent visa, often called the 103 visa, being 67 years old or over is required.
    • Applicants need an approved sponsor before applying for the Sponsored Parent (Temporary) Visa (subclass 870).

    Application process

    Applying for a parent visa in Australia requires careful planning. Your journey starts with understanding the steps you must take.

    • Check if you meet the eligibility requirements. This includes your age, health, character, and family ties to Australia.
    • Find a sponsor. Your child or another eligible person must agree to sponsor you.
    • Gather all necessary documents. You will need proof of your identity, relationship with your sponsor, and other forms as required by the visa type.
    • Fill out the correct application form. Whether online or on paper, ensure every detail is accurate.
    • Pay the visa application fee. Fees vary depending on the visa subclass you are applying for.
    • Submit your application with all attachments. Double – check you’ve included everything needed before sending it off.
    • Wait for a decision. The processing time can be long, so patience is key.
    • Get health checks and police certificates if asked. These prove that you meet the health and character requirements.
    • Update your details if things change. This could be your address, passport details, or family situation.
    • Prepare for your move while your visa is being processed. Start planning how you will settle in Australia once you get there.

    Processing times

    Processing times for parent visas in Australia can feel like a long wait. Take the Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143) as an example—you might be looking at around 6 years before it’s all done.

    Other options, such as the Subclass 173 or the Sponsored Parent Visa (subclass 870), also take their time, averaging between 3.5 to 4 years.

    The queue is quite long due to limited spots each year, especially for non-contributory Parent Visas. Understand that patience is key; these lengthy processing periods are part of bringing families together in Australia.

    Your application journey may span months or even years—yet the promise of reuniting with your loved ones keeps many hopefuls going strong despite the wait.

    Details about Various Parent Visas

    In delving into the myriad of options for parent visas in Australia, you’ll uncover the nuances that could make all the difference in reuniting with your loved ones. Each visa harbours its own set of features and conditions – let’s unravel these to find your pathway to family unity on Aussie soil.

    Parent Visa (subclass 103)

    The Parent Visa (subclass 103) lets parents of settled Australian citizens, permanent residents, or eligible New Zealand citizens stay in Australia indefinitely. You can live with your family and even apply to become an Australian citizen yourself.

    Remember, this visa requires you to meet health and financial standards.

    It’s important to plan ahead because getting this visa takes a long time due to high demand. Your child or step-child must be living in Australia and settled there for you to apply.

    This visa allows you to enjoy life down under alongside your loved ones without worrying about leaving anytime soon.

    Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143)

    You can bring your parents to live with you in Australia permanently with the Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143). It’s a big commitment and comes with a significant fee of at least AUD 47,755.

    Most of this cost is paid later during final processing. Your parents will also get full work rights once they’re here.

    To sponsor them, you need to show that you have been settled in Australia for two years or more. This visa is all about family reunion and lets your mum and dad enjoy life down under as permanent residents.

    They’ll be able to work, enrol in Medicare, and possibly even become Australian citizens someday.

    Sponsored Parent Visa (subclass 870)

    Your family in Australia could bring you closer with the Sponsored Parent Visa (subclass 870). This visa lets parents stay in Australia for a long time, up to 3 or 5 years each visit.

    Imagine not missing out on precious moments with your grandchildren growing up or being there for big family celebrations. The best part? You can reapply and enjoy a maximum stay of 10 years.

    Make sure your child is ready to sponsor you; they need to be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen living in Australia. They’ll take care of sponsorship details while you meet health and character checks.

    With this visa, life’s special chapters won’t pass by without you. Get ready to create lasting memories down under!

    Benefits of Holding a Parent Visa

    Owning a Parent Visa opens doors to the vibrant Australian lifestyle; imagine sipping a flat white in a sunny Melbourne café, surrounded by family – delve deeper and discover how this visa transforms your connections down under.

    Duration of stay in Australia

    A Parent Visa lets you live in Australia for different lengths of time, depending on the visa type. For example, a temporary parent visa can allow up to 5 years per stay. You could get up to 10 years total under this rule.

    Other visas like the Contributory Parent Visa offer a two-year residency, but it’s permanent. Imagine not having to say goodbye after a short visit – that’s what these visas offer.

    With an Aged Parent Visa or the Subclass 103, your parents can move to Australia permanently if most of their kids live there. This means growing old together and creating lasting memories with family in beautiful Australia.

    They won’t just be visitors; they’ll become part of the community, enjoying all that life down under has to offer.

    Access to Australian Government benefits

    Holding a parent visa lets you enjoy many government benefits in Australia. You may be able to get the Special Benefit if you have a child under 16 years who is an Aussie citizen or has a permanent visa.

    Your child’s benefit depends on your visa status, so check this carefully.

    Your parent visa can open doors to additional support as well. The Assurance of Support scheme means that when you move to Australia, there’s help available if you need money. This system helps ensure that parents joining their kids down under have what they need to start their new life.

    Becoming an Australian citizen

    Having a parent visa can open the door to Australian citizenship. If your children live in Australia more than any other country, you might have the chance to call Australia home forever.

    You must be a permanent resident first, and then meet residence and character requirements.

    Becoming an Aussie citizen means you can vote, join jury service, and work for the government. It’s a big step that offers you stability and full membership in the Australian community.

    Your sponsor needs to be an Australian citizen or permanent resident so they can support your application. With this help, you could enjoy all that Australia has to offer as one of its citizens.

    Obligations and Requirements of Parent Visa Holders

    Understanding your responsibilities is crucial once you’ve secured a parent visa. You’ll need to maintain compliance with various health and character stipulations, meet ongoing financial commitments, and promptly report any changes in your circumstances to the Australian government – these are just a few of the essentials that enable you to fully embrace life Down Under.

    Health and character requirements

    To get a parent visa for Australia, you must meet certain health and character standards. These checks help keep everyone safe and healthy.

    • First, you’ll take medical tests to check your overall health. Doctors will look at your medical history and give you a physical exam.
    • You must get a chest x – ray. This test checks your lungs for any serious issues.
    • An HIV test is also required. This helps prevent the spread of this virus in Australia.
    • Your family members who come with you will go through these same tests. It’s not just you who needs to be healthy.
    • The Australian government will check your past for any legal problems. They want to make sure people coming to live in their country are good citizens.
    • These rules can change depending on which visa you apply for. Different visas might have different health and character requirements.
    • Make sure you pass these tests before applying for your visa. If you meet these standards, you have a better chance of getting your visa approved.

    Financial obligations

    Money matters a lot when you bring your parents to Australia. You’ll face several financial obligations to make sure they’re well taken care of. Here’s what you need to consider:

    • Show Proof of Income: You must prove you can support your parents. This means showing bank statements or pay slips.
    • Paying for Visas: Parent visas cost money. For some, like the Contributory Parent visas, the fees are quite high.
    • Assurance of Support: Sometimes, you need to assure the government you’ll support your parents financially. This can involve paying a bond.
    • Healthcare Costs: Be ready to pay healthcare expenses for your parents unless they access Medicare.
    • Living Expenses: Your parents will need money for everyday costs like food and rent.
    • Private Insurance: Consider private health insurance. It can cover what Medicare doesn’t.

    Changes to circumstances

    You need to know how your life changes can affect your Parent Visa. The Australian Government needs up-to-date info to make the right decisions. Here’s what you should watch for:

    • Address updates – Tell the government if you move. They send important letters that you must read.
    • Changes in family – Got a new baby or grandchild? Let them know; it could change your visa details.
    • Income shifts – If money stuff changes, especially with your sponsor, report it quickly. This includes job loss or a new job.
    • Health status – Your health is key for staying in Australia. Share any big changes with the authorities.
    • Marital status – Married, divorced, or widowed? Each affects your visa differently and needs reporting.
    • Passport details – Got a new passport? Give the new details to avoid travel hiccups.
    • Legal issues – If you get into legal trouble or have visa problems elsewhere, don’t hide it.

    Understanding the Assurance of Support

    Embarking on the journey to unite with family in Australia, you’ll encounter the Assurance of Support – a crucial element not to be overlooked. It’s a legal commitment by someone who will support you financially during your initial period Down Under, ensuring that your move is both secure and sustainable.

    Role of the Assurer

    You might not know this, but the assurer is like a safety net for the Australian government. They promise to support a visa applicant financially. This person must be an Australian resident and they sign a legal contract.

    It’s their job to make sure the parent coming to Australia has enough money.

    The assurer helps parents start their new life without needing financial help from the government. They play a huge part in making sure everything goes smoothly with the visa process.

    Their role is serious business because it involves money promises that last for years.

    Financial implications

    Getting a parent visa for Australia can mean dealing with some money matters. One key part is the Assurance of Support (AoS). This is like a promise someone makes to help you financially when you come to Australia.

    It says that the person who signs it will cover your costs so you don’t need government money.

    The AoS got new rules on 1 July 2022. If your kids sign up to support you, they need to show they can really help out. They must have enough money and be ready to help for many years if needed.

    Sponsorship isn’t something taken lightly; it’s a big commitment with serious responsibilities. And if you’re aiming for the Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143), know this: It asks for more cash upfront compared to other visas, but it might get processed quicker because of that extra contribution.

    Differences between Contributory and Non-Contributory Parent Visas

    Contributory Parent visas are a fast track to reuniting with your family in Australia. They come with a heftier price tag but deliver quicker results. You’re looking at shorter wait times, which means you can start your new life down under sooner.

    These visas are perfect for parents of settled Australian citizens, permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens who don’t want to spend years apart from their loved ones.

    Non-Contributory Parent visas, on the other hand, ease the financial burden but test your patience. They’re tailored for those who have children living in Australia and are willing to join the longer queue for visa approval.

    This option saves money, making it accessible if high costs pose a challenge. However, be prepared for a lengthy waiting period before calling Australia home.

    What Happens If Your Sponsor Dies

    If your sponsor passes away, it’s important to act quickly. You’ll need to tell the Department of Home Affairs right away. They understand these situations are hard. The department will consider your case and guide you on what to do next.

    You may worry about your visa status in this situation. Rest assured, there are policies for when sponsors die before a decision is made. Your application might still be approved if you meet other requirements.

    It’s crucial to provide any new information that could affect your application after your sponsor’s death. This helps the immigration team make a fair decision about your stay in Australia.

    Frequently Asked Questions about Parent Visas

    You have questions about parent visas for Australia. Here are the answers you need.

    What are the main types of parent visas?

    Australia offers mainly two kinds: permanent and temporary. The permanent ones let your parents stay forever while the temporary ones have time limits.

    How long does it take to get a parent visa?

    Wait times differ for each visa type. Check the latest queue dates and processing times online.

    Do my parents need to pass any tests?

    Yes, they must pass health and character checks to make sure they’re fit and proper to enter Australia.

    Can my parents work on a parent visa?

    Some visas allow work; others don’t. Make sure you pick the right type that matches what your parents want.

    Will my parents get government benefits in Australia?

    If they hold certain parent visas, they might be able to access some benefits, but there are rules.

    How can I show I will support my parents in Australia?

    You might need an Assurance of Support to prove you can financially support them here.

    What is the balance of family test?

    This test checks if half or more of your parents’ kids live in Australia, showing strong ties here.

    What’s different between contributory and non – contributory visas?

    Contributory visas cost more but process faster; non – contributory ones are cheaper but take longer.

    Can siblings or nephews also be sponsored?

    Yes, there are visa options for sponsoring other family members as well, not just parents.

    What if my situation changes after applying for a parent visa?

    You must tell immigration about any big changes like address moves or new family members.


    Now you’re armed with knowledge about parent visas for Australia. Remember, choose wisely based on your needs and budget. Start planning early – the perfect visa is waiting for your parents.

    It’s their ticket to a new life down under, with you by their side!


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