143 Visa: Understanding The Contributory Parent Visa

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Table of Contents

    Corazon Jasa

    Written: January 24, 2024

    Updated: May 31, 2024

    17 min read

    143 visa

    You’re longing to be closer to your family in Australia, and permanent residency feels like a distant dream. The Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143 offers that very possibility – a chance for parents to live indefinitely down under with their children who are already citizens or residents.

    This article demystifies the journey towards achieving this goal, outlining what you need to know and how to successfully navigate the application process. Let’s explore together how you can reunite your family in Australia!

    Key Takeaways

    • The Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143 lets parents of Australian citizens or residents live in Australia for ever.
    • You must show you’re really the parent, have a healthy and good character, agree to Aussie values, and pay back any government debts.
    • It costs $4,765 at first for the main applicant, then later a big fee of $43,600. Other family members cost extra too.
    • This visa can take around 3.5 to 4.5 years to process with current waiting times over 12 years long.
    • Once you get the visa, you can work without limits and access some government benefits like Medicare after ten years.

    Overview of Contributory Parent Visa: 143 Visa

    Are you looking to reunite with your family in Australia on a permanent basis? The Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143 could be the key to making this dream a reality. Designed for parents of Australian citizens, permanent residents, or eligible New Zealand citizens who are settled in Australia, this visa provides a coveted opportunity for parents to live permanently Down Under.

    Understanding the ins and outs of the Subclass 143 visa is crucial – it’s not just about bridging physical distances but also about meeting stringent requirements set by the Department of Home Affairs.

    With its comprehensive approach, covering everything from relationship evidence to health and character standards, securing this visa represents both an emotional and legal commitment to your new life in Australia.

    Eligibility hinges on passing the balance of family test – ensuring that at least half of your children reside in Australia or more children living there than in any other single country.

    Embrace this chance for enduring family connections; let’s take a closer look at how Subclass 143 lays down the foundation for cherished moments with loved ones amidst all that Australia has to offer.

    Benefits of the 143 Visa

    The Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143 is a golden ticket for parents aiming to join their children in Australia. It opens the door to becoming an Australian permanent resident, a status that comes with a host of perks.

    With this visa, you can live in Australia indefinitely and enjoy the comfort of family closeness. You get full work rights, allowing you to contribute your skills and experience to the workforce if you choose.

    Healthcare services are within reach through Medicare; staying healthy has never been easier. Social security benefits await after meeting residence waiting periods, which marks financial peace of mind for many.

    Plus, there’s always the option of applying for Australian citizenship down the line – making your move permanent and complete! The path forward is clear – reunite with your loved ones and embrace life as an Aussie local!

    Eligibility Criteria for Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143

    To be eligible for the Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143, you must meet specific relationship evidence requirements, have family members included in the visa application, satisfy health and character requirements, sign the Australian Values Statement, and clear any debts to the Australian government.

    Read on to understand all these criteria in detail.

    Relationship Evidence Requirements

    You’ll need to show solid proof of your relationship with your sponsoring child in Australia. This is a must for the Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143. Gather documents like birth certificates, adoption papers, or guardianship documents that prove you’re their parent.

    These pieces of evidence are key to making your visa application successful.

    Make sure every detail matches up — names, dates, and places should be consistent across all documents. If you’ve been through name changes or there’s a divorce in the picture, include legal paperwork like marriage certificates and court decrees to clear things up.

    Your effort here can smooth out the process and bring you closer to calling Australia home.

    Family Members in the Visa Application

    Your family can be part of your new life in Australia with the (143 Visa) Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143. If you have a partner or dependent children, they may come too. Make sure that at least half of your children are permanent residents or citizens down under.

    This visa lets parents and their immediate family unite and enjoy life together.

    To include them in your visa application, gather all necessary identity documents for each member – passports, birth certificates, and more. With careful planning and the right paperwork, your dream to bring loved ones close could soon be reality.

    Just remember: every family member must meet health and character requirements before they join you on this exciting journey!

    Health and Character Requirements

    To live in Australia, you must be healthy and of good character. This makes sure everyone stays safe.

    • Medical check-up: You’ll have to go through a medical exam including a chest x-ray.
    • HIV test: An HIV test is part of this medical exam.
    • Police clearance: Get a police clearance certificate from every country you’ve lived in for 12 months or more over the last ten years, after turning 16.
    • Good character: You must not have a significant criminal record or be involved with any illegal groups.
    • Visa cancellation: If you’ve had an Australian visa cancelled before, it may affect your application.
    • Provide documents: Hand in all needed documents; this proves your health and character status.
    • Honesty counts: Always tell the truth. If not, your visa might get refused.
    • Keep Australia safe: These rules help ensure that anyone coming to Australia doesn’t pose a threat to the community.

    Australian Values Statement

    You need to sign the Australian Values Statement to get your Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143. This is a promise you make to respect Australia’s way of life and follow its laws.

    It means you agree to join the community, embrace Aussie values like fairness, and give everyone a fair go.

    The statement isn’t just words on paper—it’s an important part of your visa eligibility. By signing, you show that you’re ready to be part of Australia’s diverse family. You’re saying yes to democracy, freedom, and mutual respect among all people in the country.

    Debts to the Australian Government

    If you owe money to the Australian Government, it could affect your visa. This includes all types of debts, like unpaid taxes or overpaid benefits. Before applying for the Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143, make sure these debts are cleared.

    It’s part of meeting the visa conditions.

    Clearing your debts shows that you’re ready to follow Australian laws and start a new chapter in Australia. The government checks this carefully because they want responsible people in the country.

    If there’s a debt on your record, sort it out quickly so it won’t hold up your visa application. Remember, being honest and upfront about any debts can help smooth out the process.

    Applying for Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143

    To apply for the Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143, you will need to go through the application process and pay the necessary fees. Understanding the steps involved in applying for this visa is crucial for a successful outcome, so buckle up and read more to navigate through this important process.

    Application process

    To apply for Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143:

    • Gather all necessary documents and evidence to support your application.
    • Complete the visa application form accurately, including details about the applicant and their family members.
    • Pay the initial application fee of $4,765 through the specified payment methods.
    • Submit the application online or by mail to the Department of Home Affairs.
    • Wait for confirmation of receipt and further instructions from the department regarding health assessments and character checks.

    Differences between Subclass 173 and Subclass 143 Contributory Parent Visas

    Let’s dive into the key distinctions between two visa pathways that enable parents to join their loved ones in Australia – the Subclass 173 (Temporary) and Subclass 143 (Permanent) Contributory Parent Visas. These differences are crucial in helping you decide the best route for your family’s migration journey.

    AspectSubclass 173 (Temporary)Subclass 143 (Permanent)
    Type of VisaTemporary visa for parentsPermanent visa for parents
    Visa DurationAllows a stay of up to 3 or 5 yearsGrants permanent residency
    Visa CostLower upfront costs compared to Subclass 143Higher overall cost, but offers permanent stay
    Payment StrategyCosts can be spread over timeRequires a significant contribution at once
    Processing TimeGenerally faster than Subclass 143May be longer due to permanent nature

    Remember, each visa option has its own set of advantages and challenges. Your choice hinges on personal circumstances, financial readiness, and long-term goals in Australia. Understanding these differences empowers you to make informed decisions for a smooth migration experience for your family.

    Understanding the Processing Timeframe for Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143

    The processing time for the Contributory Parent Visa (Subclass 143) can take around 3.5 to 4.5 years, providing a pathway to permanent residency in Australia. As per current planning levels, new Contributory Parent visa applications have a waiting period of at least 12 years.

    This indicates that applying for this visa requires careful consideration and long-term planning due to the extended processing duration.

    This extensive waiting period underscores the importance of understanding and strategising your application process well in advance. Thoroughly examining eligibility criteria and seeking professional guidance from registered migration agents can significantly aid in navigating through the complex pathways towards obtaining this sought-after visa, allowing you to embark on your journey towards Australian permanent residency with informed preparation and realistic expectations.

    Rights and Obligations of Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143 Holders

    As holders of the Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143, you will have work rights in Australia and access to certain government benefits. Additionally, it is a requirement to maintain health insurance for the duration of your stay in the country.

    Work rights

    Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143 holders have complete work rights in Australia. This means you can work for any employer, full-time or part-time, and even be self-employed without any restrictions.

    Additionally, the temporary Subclass 173 visa also offers full work rights to holders before applying for the permanent Contributory Aged Parent visa. With these work rights, you have the opportunity to contribute to society and make a meaningful impact while pursuing your goals of permanent residency in Australia.

    Remember that by holding this visa, you are eligible to engage in a wide range of employment opportunities without limitations or constraints. As holders of the Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143, the ability to work provides an avenue for personal growth and financial stability as you establish roots in Australia.

    Access to Australian Government benefits

    As a holder of the Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143, you gain access to Australian Government benefits, including enrolling in Medicare for health-related care. This means you can rest assured that your healthcare needs are covered, giving you peace of mind as you settle into your new life in Australia.

    Furthermore, being eligible for these benefits ensures that both you and your family members can access essential healthcare services when needed.

    Additionally, ten years after entering Australia on the Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143, the bond is reimbursed to you – less any obligations owed to the Australian government.

    Requirement to maintain health insurance

    To secure your Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143, maintaining sufficient health insurance until the visa is granted is crucial. This requirement applies to both retirees and other applicants alike.

    Ensure that you have appropriate health coverage in place to meet this condition, confirming your commitment to fulfilling all visa prerequisites.

    By maintaining proper health insurance during the application process, you demonstrate adherence to an essential aspect of securing the Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143. Fulfilling this obligation enhances your eligibility and strengthens your application’s standing, paving the way for a smoother processing experience.

    Inclusion of Family Members in the Visa Application

    When applying for the Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143, you can include your partner and dependent children in the visa application, offering them the opportunity to join you in Australia.

    Learn more about the process and benefits of including family members on our blog!


    You can add your partner to a Contributory Parent visa application while it’s being processed, providing them with the opportunity for permanent residence alongside you. This flexibility allows partners within Australia to secure their residency status and enjoy the benefits of living in the country together.

    By including your partner in your application, you both can embark on this journey towards obtaining permanent residency, ensuring that you can build a future together in Australia without any delays or uncertainties.

    Adding your partner to your Contributory Parent visa application while it’s under process grants both of you the chance for permanent residency in Australia. This ensures that you can plan and build a life together without having to wait for separate approvals or processes—offering peace of mind as you look forward to establishing roots in the country.

    Dependent children

    Dependent children can be included in the visa application for the Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143). The children must meet specific criteria in order to be eligible for inclusion in the visa application.

    1. The children must be under 18 years of age, or
    2. Be financially dependent on the parent/s if they are full-time students between 18 and 25 years old, or
    3. Have a disability that prevents them from working to support themselves.


    Understanding the Contributory Parent Visa Subclass 143 opens a pathway to permanent residency in Australia for parents of citizens and permanent residents. Navigating the application process requires careful attention to eligibility criteria and documentation.

    Embracing this opportunity can lead to reuniting with your loved ones and enjoying the benefits of living and working in Australia. Prepare for this journey with thorough knowledge of the visa’s rights, obligations, and processing times.

    Your dedication will pave the way for a fulfilling chapter alongside your family Down Under.


    CJMigration is a well-respected Sydney migration agency with over 30 years of experience in the industry. We can help guide you through the process and achieve your immigration goals.

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