Unlock more about Work Visa for Specific Industries in 2024

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Table of Contents

    Corazon Jasa

    Written: December 22, 2023

    Updated: December 22, 2023

    19 min read

    Work Visa for Specific Industries

    Are you considering a leap across the pond to advance your career in Australia’s buzzing industries? Finding the right work visa can often feel like navigating through a thorny bush, full of legalities and specifics that might leave you scratching your head.

    It’s crucial to understand the ins and outs of industry-specific visas to secure your professional journey Down Under.

    Here’s a fact for you: With over 2.2 million temporary visa holders, Australia is a vibrant hub for international talent seeking opportunities in diverse sectors from agriculture to tech.

    This blog will be your compass, guiding you through the maze of work visas tailored for specific industries. Whether it’s farming or fine dining that calls you, we’ve got insights that promise smoother sailing ahead.

    Ready? Let’s unravel these visa mysteries together!

    Key Takeaways

    • To work in Australia, you need the right visa. Your job and skills decide which one.
    • Each industry has special visas. Like farming or aged care, they match with the worker’s talent.
    • Sometimes an employer in Australia must say they want you before you can get a visa.
    • For some workers from other countries, there is a chance to stay in Australia for up to four years.
    • There are many kinds of temporary work visas for short stays or specific jobs.

    Understanding Work Visas

    If you want to work in Australia, you need a work visa. This special paper says it’s okay for you to have a job in the country. There are many kinds of visas and what kind you need depends on how long you plan to stay.

    Getting the right visa means checking your job and how skilled you are. Some jobs in Australia can only be done if you have an agreement that says so. This might be because they’re very important jobs or there aren’t enough people in Australia who can do them.

    Your employer in Australia must say they want you to work for them before some visas will let you come over. If they do this, it helps prove that your skills are needed. Remember, once you get here with a work permit, no matter where you come from, your boss must treat you fairly just like anyone else working in Australia.

    Work Visa for Specific Industries

    From the advertising industry to the aged care, dairy, fishing, horticulture, meat, and restaurant industries, each sector has its specific work visa requirements. Additionally, there are visas available for religious ministers and on-hire workers as well.

    If you’re looking to enter any of these fields in Australia, it’s crucial to understand the work visa options available to you.

    Advertising Industry

    The Advertising Industry thrives on fresh ideas and global talent. To keep this energy flowing, employers may sponsor skilled overseas workers for specific roles that are hard to fill locally.

    This sponsorship comes under the Advertising Industry Labour Agreement, a set policy allowing businesses access to essential skills from outside Australia.

    Employers in this creative field use these labor agreements as tools to meet market needs effectively. They can find people with just the right talents for jobs like copywriting or graphic design through visa sponsorship.

    For example, the subclass 482 visa might be an option—an employer could cover costs related to bringing over an advertising expert from another country. This helps Australian companies stay sharp and competitive in their work, ensuring they always have the best team onboard.

    Aged Care Industry

    Moving from discussing the advertising industry, let’s now focus on the aged care sector. It’s important to know that the Aged Care Industry Labour Agreement helps bring qualified direct care workers from other countries to Australia.

    This is due to a big need for more staff in elderly and community care settings. These overseas workers can be sponsored under a special visa called the Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482).

    They can work here for up to four years or even get permanent residency.

    The Australian Government has this agreement ready for any aged care provider who needs it right away. It aims to fix worker shortages and make sure people in aged, disability, and community care get excellent service.

    If you run an aged care service or are looking into working in one from another country, these skilled visas are something you should think about.

    Dairy Industry

    The Dairy Industry is big in Australia. It made about 8.8 billion litres of milk a few years ago. People who work with cows and make milk products are important for the countryside and the whole country’s money-making ways.

    They help towns grow and keep lots of people busy with jobs.

    Milk goes from farms to places where it becomes cheese, yogurt, or stays as fresh milk. These steps all need workers who know what they’re doing, from caring for cows to using machines that help make dairy goods.

    If you want to work on a farm or in making dairy foods, you might need a special visa called a work visa. This lets you stay in Australia for some time and do these important jobs that keep everyone enjoying their favorite dairy treats!

    Fishing Industry

    You can work in the fishing industry in Australia with a special kind of visa. This is called the Fishing Industry Labour Agreement. It lets skilled workers from other countries come and work here for up to four years.

    There are six jobs you might do, like catching fish, working on a boat, or helping process seafood.

    If you’re on a Working Holiday Visa, you can also pick jobs in fishing. For example, you could find yourself diving for pearls or casting nets at sea. It’s important to follow rules about how many fish can be taken because we want to keep our oceans full of life for years to come.

    Horticulture Industry

    The Horticulture Industry is a big part of farming in Australia. It needs lots of workers, especially when there are busy times like picking fruits and vegetables. To help with this, there’s a special agreement called the Horticulture Industry Labour Agreement (HILA).

    This allows farms to bring people from other countries to work on temporary visas for jobs like fruit pickers and farm supervisors.

    With the new rules, farms can ask for overseas workers under the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa. There are 31 jobs that this covers in horticulture. This is good news because many farms have trouble finding enough people to work.

    The process to get these workers over needs careful following of Migration regulations.

    Next, let’s look at how meat processing plants use work visas to keep their operations running smoothly.

    Meat Industry

    Just like plants need careful tending, animals raised for food also require skilled hands. In the meat industry, there’s a big demand for butchers and workers in slaughterhouses and abattoirs.

    To keep up with this need, Australia allows companies to bring in skilled overseas workers under the Meat Industry Labour Agreement. This deal lets employers sponsor foreign butchers to stay and work for up to four years.

    Skilled meat workers are vital in turning livestock into foods everyone can eat. They make sure that all steps from farm to table meet high standards. With the new Australian Agriculture Visa (AAV) programme kicking off, even more help is on the way to fill jobs in meatpacking and food processing areas related to farming.

    Workers who join this sector will be joining a well-organised field where unions work hard to make sure everyone gets paid fairly for their tough job.

    Minister of Religion

    The Minister of Religion Labour Agreement permits Australian religious organisations to sponsor overseas Ministers of Religion. The visa for religious workers is subject to condition 8102, which forbids work apart from training.

    This agreement also allows the nomination of positions for skilled overseas workers in the roles of Minister of Religion or Religious workers. As part of this industry agreement, religious organisations can sponsor overseas workers as religious workers.

    This arrangement enables businesses in Australia to sponsor skilled overseas workers specifically within the occupations of Minister of Religion or Religious worker under the Temporary Skill Visa Program.


    Now, let’s delve into the On-hire Industry Labour Agreement that allows skilled overseas workers to be sponsored for temporary stays in specific occupations within certain industries.

    Employers can enter into on-hire labour agreements (OHLA) with on-hire businesses to facilitate the employment of overseas workers. These agreements are negotiated for industries facing ongoing labour shortages and allow approved businesses to sponsor skilled overseas workers for a Temporary Skill Shortage visa.

    There are four types of labour agreements in Australia: company-specific, industry, designated area migration agreements (DAMA), and project agreements. Employers looking to hire overseas workers must meet specific requirements and be aware of relevant details related to these labour agreements.

    Pork Industry

    Moving on from the diverse industries with specific work visas, let’s delve into the unique landscape of the Pork Industry in Australia. The Swine industry, or more commonly known as the pork industry, plays a crucial role in providing high-quality pork products to consumers.

    Skilled migrants are essential for this industry and their contribution is facilitated through the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa and Temporary Labour Agreement programs. These avenues allow skilled individuals with higher qualifications to bring their expertise to Australia, effectively addressing skill shortages within the domestic workforce.

    Moreover, achieving permanent residency is vital as it paves the way for new skills to seamlessly integrate into the Australian workforce. In line with this, The Pork Industry Labour Agreement outlines provisions that permit a senior piggery stockperson to be nominated for a skilled visa under specified occupation codes.

    Restaurant (Premium Dining) Industry

    In the premium dining industry, skilled overseas workers are crucial for maintaining the high standards of fine dining. The Labour Agreement for this sector allows restaurants to sponsor cooks, chefs, and even trade waiters through the Temporary Skill Shortage (Subclass 482) visa.

    This agreement is a part of broader hospitality sector Labour Agreements in Australia, addressing skill shortages by offering opportunities for skilled overseas workers to contribute their expertise to premium quality restaurants.

    The Labour Agreement specifically tailored for the premium dining industry plays a vital role in ensuring that these establishments can secure talented individuals who may not qualify under standard visa programs.

    Temporary Work Visas

    Looking to work in Australia temporarily? There are various temporary work visa options available, including the Temporary Work Visa – Short Stay Specialist (subclass 400) and the Seasonal Work – PALM Scheme.

    Each visa has its own requirements and eligibility criteria, so it’s important to understand which one suits your specific situation.

    Temporary Work Visa – Short Stay Specialist (subclass 400)

    The Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) visa (subclass 400) is for skilled individuals to enter Australia for short-term, highly specialised work. This visa is suitable for people with specialised skills, knowledge, or experience to undertake short-term work in Australia.

    It is also applicable for those working in the entertainment industry, such as directing, producing, or other related activities. The application process may require a document checklist and has specific requirements including processing time and salary considerations.

    Moving on to “Temporary Activity Work Visa (subclass 408)..

    Temporary Activity Work Visa (subclass 408)

    When it comes to temporary work visas in Australia, the Temporary Activity Work Visa (subclass 408) is a crucial option for individuals invited by an organisation to participate in specific activities.

    This visa caters to a diverse range of industries, from the entertainment and religious sectors to film and television production. Notably, this visa also includes participation in Australian government-endorsed events.

    Individuals looking to extend their stay due to the pandemic can consider the Subclass 408 COVID-19 visa as well. If you’re considering applying for this visa, make sure to review its specific work rights and eligibility criteria before moving forward.

    Embarking on your journey with the Temporary Activity Work Visa (subclass 408), you’ll gain access to short-term employment opportunities across various fields including entertainment industry involvement, government-endorsed event participation, and religious work engagements.

    Additionally, eligible candidates can utilise this visa for temporary roles in film and television productions or even extend their stay under special circumstances related to the ongoing pandemic.

    Seasonal Work – PALM Scheme

    The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme addresses rural and regional labor shortages in Australia. This scheme allows eligible Australian businesses to hire workers from 9 Pacific islands and Timor-Leste for specific roles.

    Short-term workers under this scheme can return each season for up to 4 years without submitting a new visa application. The PALM scheme is supported by both the workers and the Australian employers, ensuring fair pay regulated under the Fair Work Act.

    It caters to unskilled, low-skilled, and semi-skilled labor needs in specific industries, offering short-term work opportunities in seasonal agricultural labor.

    The Process of Sponsoring an Employee for a Work Visa

    Before sponsoring an employee for a work visa, the employer must be approved by the Department of Immigration. The sponsored employee needs to meet age, skill, English language, and health requirements. Skilled workers should be on the Skilled Occupations List to be sponsored for a work visa.

    • Employers must undertake the visa sponsorship process as per the skilled visa program selection.
    • Visa holders are restricted to working for their sponsoring employer during the sponsorship period.
    • The sponsoring employer plays a pivotal role in ensuring compliance with English language proficiency and health requirements.
    • Department of Immigration approves employers for sponsoring foreign workers.
    • Foreign worker visa requirements include age and skill criteria.
    • Sponsored employees must fulfill specific skills and proficiency levels.
    • Sponsoring employers need to adhere to health requirements for the work visa.

    The Impact of Australian Bushfires on Migration

    After understanding the process of sponsoring an employee for a work visa, it’s crucial to recognise the impact Australian bushfires have had on migration. The bushfires not only led to displacement and resettlement but also stirred concern about how they would affect immigration, particularly for industry sectors and temporary visa holders.

    This is especially true due to the combination of bushfires and the COVID-19 pandemic which significantly impacted temporary visa holders, particularly backpackers in Australia. Reports also emerged of notable wage underpayments and poor working conditions in specific industry sectors, leading to concerns regarding exploitation related to migration.

    Additionally, there has been significant consideration given to the economic consequences of migration through temporary work visa programmes, following the aftermath of these devastating bushfires.

    These events prompted the government’s commitment of $50 million towards wildlife protection and biodiversity support in response to their extensive impact on Australia’s ecological diversity.

    Special Considerations for Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme

    The PALM scheme is specifically designed to cater to the labour shortages in rural and regional Australia, particularly for unskilled, low-skilled, and semi-skilled positions. This initiative allows eligible Australian businesses to employ workers from 9 Pacific island countries and Timor-Leste.

    Workers under this scheme have the opportunity to acquire valuable skills and experience while in Australia. They earn income that can be sent back to their communities.

    Employers can recruit workers from participating countries for specific roles in agriculture and select agriculture-related food production industries. Consequently, the PALM scheme plays a crucial role in bridging the labour gaps across these sectors within Australia by facilitating the mobility of workers from Pacific island countries and Timor-Leste.

    The Role of Farm Work and Second Year Visa Jobs

    When it comes to extending your working holiday in Australia, farm work and second year visa jobs play a crucial role. Engaging in specific types of farm labor could help you qualify for a visa extension.

    For instance, participating in bushfire recovery work within designated industries can count towards the requirements for a second year working holiday visa. It’s important to note that voluntary work is only considered as specified work if it’s linked to certain industries such as farming, fishing, or construction.

    Furthermore, if you aim to qualify for a second or third working holiday visa based on farm work jobs, ensure these positions pay at least award wages. Remember that not all roles on farms contribute to the requirements for the second year visa – some positions like nannies or secretaries in the construction sector do not meet the criteria.

    To fulfill the eligibility criteria for extending your working holiday through farm labor, engaging in specified work within particular industries is vital.


    In conclusion, obtaining a work visa for specific industries in Australia involves understanding the visa options available. Different industries have their own unique work visa requirements and criteria.

    It is essential to consider the specific industry labour agreements and any skills shortages in the industry when applying for a work visa. Understanding the impact of factors such as Australian bushfires and special considerations like the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme can significantly affect migration plans for individuals seeking work visas in specific industries.

    Prioritising accurate information and adhering to visa conditions will ensure successful employment within these industries.


    CJMigration is a well-respected Sydney migration agency with over 30 years of experience in the industry. We can help guide you through the process and achieve your immigration goals.

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