Work and Holiday Visa Rules: Your Ultimate Guide 2024

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Table of Contents

    Corazon Jasa

    Written: January 5, 2024

    Updated: January 5, 2024

    16 min read

    Work and Holiday Visa Rules

    Eager to explore the vast landscapes of Australia while also earning some cash along the way? You’re not alone. Many young adventurers dream of hitting the Aussie shores with a working holiday visa in hand, ready to soak up sun, surf, and employment opportunities.

    Yet amidst this excitement lurks a maze of rules that can be daunting — what’s needed to qualify, how long you can stay, and what kind of work you can do.

    Did you know that if your wanderlust is calling and you’re between 18 and 30 years old (35 for some nationalities), Australia might just roll out its welcoming red sand for you? That’s right! With a Working Holiday Visa, bowing to kangaroos as colleagues could become your new normal.

    This blog will guide you through visa types, vital rules like age or passport requirements, and even tips on securing that second or third year down under. Stay tuned; we’ll untangle these regulations so smoothly your biggest worry will be choosing which beach to hit first! Let’s start this journey together..

    Key Takeaways

    • Young people aged 18 to 30 (35 for some nationalities) can apply for a Work and Holiday Visa to live and work in Australia.
    • You must come from an eligible country and meet certain health, character, and financial requirements.
    • After your first visa, you can apply for a second or third by doing specific types of work like fruit picking or construction in regional areas.
    • Recent changes include raising the age limit to 35 years for some countries and allowing work in tourism and hospitality to count towards visa extension.
    • It’s important to follow all visa rules so your stay in Australia is legal. Breaking rules might get your visa cancelled.

    Overview of Working Holiday Visa

    After dipping your toes into the concept of combining travel with work, let’s delve deeper into the Working Holiday Visa. Imagine having the freedom to explore Australia’s stunning landscapes and vibrant cities while also taking on employment to support your adventures.

    That’s precisely the opportunity provided by a Working Holiday Visa. Whether you’re seeking sun-kissed beaches or cultural cityscapes, this visa acts as your ticket to both personal growth and professional experience in one of the world’s most coveted destinations.

    This visa isn’t just a pass for leisure; it serves as a gateway to full-time employment across various Australian industries—offering more than just holiday memories but also hands-on skills that could shape your career trajectory.

    From bustling Sydney streets to quiet towns in regional Australia, holders can embrace an authentic Aussie lifestyle—taking coffee breaks at local cafés between jobs or ending days watching sunsets at Bondi Beach.

    It’s an unparalleled blend of work and play, setting the stage for tales worth telling back home.

    Basic Eligibility for a First Working Holiday Visa

    To be eligible for a First Working Holiday Visa, you must be between 18 and 30 years old (35 for Canadian, French, and Irish citizens), hold a passport from an eligible country, meet financial requirements, and pass health and character assessments.

    These basic eligibility criteria are essential to consider before applying for the visa.

    Age requirements

    You must be between 18 and 30 years old to get your first Working Holiday Visa. This is a great chance for young people who want to explore Australia and work at the same time. If you’re lucky, some of you might even fit into a special group where you can apply until you are 35 years old! It’s important to check if this applies to you before making plans.

    Having the right age opens doors to an amazing adventure down under. Just imagine all the places you could see and the new friends from around the world that you could meet. You can earn money whilst having fun – isn’t that awesome? Remember, age is more than just a number here; it’s your ticket to an unforgettable experience in Australia!

    Passport nationality

    After checking if you’re the right age, look at your passport. For your first Working Holiday visa, it’s important where your passport is from. Certain countries have agreements with Australia.

    If you hold a passport from one of these places, you can apply for the Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462).

    For example, Argentina and Austria are on the list. This means people from there can use their passports to try for this special type of visa. It’s all about making friends between those countries and Australia by sharing cultures and experiences.

    But remember, not every country has this deal with Australia. Make sure to check if yours is one of them!

    Financial requirements

    You need money to enjoy your work and holiday in Australia. It’s important that you show you have enough cash for your trip. You’ll have to prove this when you apply for the visa. The government wants to see that you can take care of yourself while you’re here.

    Bring proof, like bank statements, to show how much money you have. Officials might ask to see this evidence when you arrive too. They just want to make sure that visitors will not run out of funds during their stay and be able to support themselves without any problems.

    This makes everyone’s experience better!

    Health and character requirements

    To get your First Working Holiday visa, you must be healthy and have good character. The Australian government checks if you’re in good health so you won’t cost Australians a lot of money for medical care.

    They also make sure you haven’t done bad things that could cause trouble. This means no serious crimes on your record and being honest about your past.

    If the government says yes to your health and character, they’ll think about giving you a visa. Don’t forget, this is just one step in the process. Next up, let’s find out which countries can join this exciting Working Holiday program!

    Eligible Countries for a First Working Holiday Visa

    You need to come from the right country to get a first Working Holiday visa. This type of visa lets you work and travel in Australia. Here’s a list of countries with people who can apply:

    • United Kingdom: You can join if you have a British passport.
    • Canada: Folks from here are welcome too.
    • The Netherlands: If you’re Dutch, pack your bags!
    • Ireland: Irish citizens, come on over.
    • Sweden: Swedes can explore Down Under.
    • Denmark: Yes, Danish friends are eligible as well.
    • Norway: Norwegians get the green light.
    • Finland: Finnish passport holders, this includes you.
    • Italy: Italians, start planning your Aussie adventure.
    • France: Bonjour! French people can apply.
    • Germany: Guten Tag! Germans make the list as well.
    • Belgium: Belgians, get ready for an experience!
    • Estonia: People from Estonia have a spot too.
    • Malta: Maltese citizens, you’re invited to Australia.
    • Cyprus (from the Republic of Cyprus): Cypriots can take part in the fun.
    • Taiwan (with residents who live there): Taiwanese travellers can visit Australia on this visa.
    • South Korea (Republic of Korea): South Koreans can come down under too.
    • Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region): Residents with this passport can join the programme.

    Requirements for a Second Working Holiday Visa

    To be eligible for a second working holiday visa, you must have completed three months of specified work in regional Australia while holding your first working holiday visa. This work must be in approved industries such as plant and animal cultivation, fishing and pearling, tree farming and felling, mining, construction, bushfire recovery work, or critical COVID-19 work in the healthcare and medical sectors.

    Completion of three months of specified work

    You’ll need to roll up your sleeves for a bit of work if you’re aiming for a second working holiday visa. It’s all about putting in the time—88 days, to be exact. You can spread this out over various jobs or knock it out in one go.

    Think fruit picking, farm labor, or maybe helping rebuild areas hit by bushfires; these are the kinds of jobs that tick off your required days.

    Make sure every day counts and keep track of your work with pay slips and employer sign-offs. This isn’t just any job stint; it’s your golden ticket to extending an adventure down under.

    Work hard, play harder—that’s how you earn your stay for round two!

    Approved Industries for Specified Work

    To qualify for a second or third working holiday visa, you must have completed three or six months of specified work in specific industries. These include plant and animal cultivation, fishing and pearling, tree farming and felling, mining, construction, bushfire recovery work, and critical COVID-19 work in the healthcare and medical sectors.

    Plant and animal cultivation

    To qualify for a second or third Working Holiday visa in Australia, you can work in plant and animal cultivation. This includes activities like pruning, planting, or harvesting fruits and vegetables.

    You may also engage in tasks related to animal farming such as herding livestock or caring for animals. The Australian government has extended the program to allow this type of work anywhere across the country, providing an opportunity to fulfill visa requirements while experiencing diverse agricultural settings.

    Engaging in plant and animal cultivation work not only offers practical experience but also contributes to sustaining vital industries. It presents a chance to immerse yourself in rural communities and gain insights into horticultural practices while making meaningful contributions that support your visa extension eligibility.

    Fishing and pearling

    The Working Holiday visa (subclass 417) accepts fishing and pearling work as specified work, allowing visa holders to engage in these industries. In Northern Australia, young adults on the Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462) can participate in fishing and pearling operations for up to three years.

    This provides an opportunity for individuals to gain experience in the fishing and pearling industry while on their visas.

    The fishing and pearling industry in Northern Australia is approved for specified work under the Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462). Conducting fishing and pearling operations in this region qualifies as specified work, offering visa holders a chance to explore employment opportunities within these sectors.

    Tree farming and felling

    After exploring industries like fishing and pearling, another approved industry for specified work related to the Work and Holiday visa rules in Australia is tree farming and felling.

    Working in this sector can make you eligible for a second or third year visa, providing an opportunity to experience more of what Australia has to offer. This means that if you’re interested in agricultural work involving tree farming and felling, it aligns with the requirements for extending your stay through the working holiday programme.

    Remember, these specific industries are recognised as suitable for specified work under the visa guidelines, making them valuable options for individuals seeking to extend their time in Australia while gaining practical experience.


    Mining is not considered eligible specified work for a second or third Working Holiday visa. This means that any specialised mining activities would not count towards the required work for these visas.

    The focus for Work and Holiday visas is on industries like plant and animal cultivation, fishing and pearling, and tree farming. Mining does not meet the requirements for specified work in these visa categories.

    It’s important to be aware of specific industries that qualify for the Work and Holiday visa. Understanding which types of work do not meet the criteria can help you plan your working holiday effectively.


    Construction work such as demolition of buildings, trench digging, land clearing, and earth moving is approved for specified work related to Work and Holiday Visa rules. However, ineligible specified work in construction includes ship/boat building.

    In the construction industry, tasks like demolition and land clearing are accepted for the visa requirements. On the flip side, constructing ships or boats does not meet the conditions for visa approval.

    Bushfire recovery work

    Bushfire recovery work is an important part of the specified work for Working Holiday visa (subclass 417) and Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462) if done in a bushfire affected area after 31 July 2019.

    Examples of eligible paid or volunteer specified work in bushfire recovery include rebuilding fences destroyed in a bushfire-affected community. This type of work can be counted towards the second year visa requirements for working holiday makers, providing them with valuable opportunities to contribute to the recovery efforts while fulfilling their visa obligations.

    Approved industries for this kind of specified work encompass plant and animal cultivation, construction, and tourism. It’s essential to note that immigration measures are in place to address various issues related to bushfire affected sponsors and visa holders.

    Critical COVID-19 work in the healthcare and medical sectors

    Critical COVID-19 work in healthcare and medical sectors is included as part of the specified work for both Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) and Work and Holiday Visa (Subclass 462).

    This means that if you are on a working holiday visa, you can engage in critical work related to COVID-19 in healthcare and medical fields, anywhere across Australia. This provision offers an opportunity for individuals on these visas to contribute to the essential efforts against the pandemic while also gaining valuable work experience.

    It’s important to be aware of this significant inclusion, especially if you are considering participating in the Working Holiday Maker Program during these unprecedented times. Engaging in such critical work not only provides a meaningful experience but also plays a crucial role in supporting Australia’s healthcare system during this challenging period.

    Work and Holiday Visa Rules

    To be eligible for a Third Working Holiday Visa, you must have completed six months of specified work in regional areas. Ready to learn more about the different visa options and eligibility requirements? Keep reading to make your working holiday dreams a reality!

    Completion of six months of specified work

    To qualify for a Third Working Holiday Visa in Australia, you need to finish working in specified industries for six months. This work has to be done during the second year of your Working Holiday Visa.

    You must stick to this requirement and complete the specified work within the given time frame.

    Completing six months of specified work is crucial if you want to apply for a Third Working Holiday Visa. It’s essential that you understand this rule and make sure to complete your required work within the given timeframe.

    Regional Areas and Bushfire Affected Areas for Specified Work

    Regional areas and bushfire-affected regions in Australia offer opportunities for specified work under the Working Holiday Visa programme. This includes plant and animal cultivation, fishing and pearling, tree farming and felling, mining, construction, as well as critical COVID-19 work in healthcare sectors.

    It’s essential to note that these locations provide a chance to engage in meaningful work while experiencing the diverse Australian landscape.

    For those seeking a second year on their working holiday visa, it’s crucial to familiarise oneself with the best places for farm work in Australia. Regional areas play a significant role in allowing individuals to complete the required three months of specified work to qualify for an extension.

    Moreover, engaging in important tasks such as bushfire recovery work contributes not only to personal growth but also helps support communities affected by natural disasters.

    Overview of Work and Holiday Visa (Subclass 462)

    The Work and Holiday Visa (Subclass 462) is a temporary visa for young people aged 18 to 30, allowing them to work and travel in Australia for up to three years. With this visa, you can do any type of work, including paid employment or volunteer work.

    To be eligible for a second or third Work and Holiday visa, you must have completed a prescribed minimum period of specified work in regional Australia during your first stay. It’s important to note that not all countries are eligible for this visa, so make sure to check the list of eligible countries before applying.

    This visa also allows eligible Working Holiday Maker holders to enter Australia without needing an exemption. So if you’re looking for an opportunity to explore Australia while gaining valuable work experience, the Work and Holiday Visa might be just what you need!

    Understanding the Covid Visa (Subclass 408)

    The Covid Visa (subclass 408) is for individuals who can’t leave Australia due to Covid-19 travel restrictions and have no other visa options. It lets them stay in Australia and work across various sectors for up to 12 months, aiding those affected by travel restrictions.

    This visa also falls under the Working Holiday Maker Program, allowing recipients to remain in the country for a year. Individuals holding this visa can work in any industry if they are employed in a critical sector and have no other visa alternatives because of Covid-19 travel restrictions.

    In addition, this visa is crucial for people facing difficulties departing Australia due to pandemic-related travel constraints. The flexibility provides much-needed relief during these challenging times while enabling eligible individuals to contribute to the Australian economy by working across different industries as needed.

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    Reasons for Work Visa Cancellation

    1. Reasons for Work Visa Cancellation
    • Not adhering to visa conditions, such as working for an unauthorised employer or not completing the required work.
    • Providing false information in the visa application or during the stay in Australia.
    • Failing the character test due to a substantial criminal record.
    • Engaging in conduct that poses a risk to public health and safety.
    • Breaching immigration laws, such as overstaying the visa duration or violating visa restrictions.
    • Involvement in activities detrimental to Australia’s national interest or security.
    • Failure to maintain adequate health insurance coverage as required by the visa conditions.
    • Non – compliance with tax obligations related to employment while on the visa.
    • Changes in circumstances, such as no longer meeting eligibility criteria or altering sponsorship arrangements without proper authorisation.

    Understanding the reasons for work visa cancellation is crucial for maintaining lawful status during your stay in Australia. It’s important to be aware of these factors to ensure a smooth and trouble-free experience.

    Recent Changes to Working Holiday Visa Rules

    1. Recent Changes to Working Holiday Visa Rules
    • The age limit for applying for a Working Holiday visa has been increased from 30 to 35 years, allowing more people to have the opportunity to work and holiday in Australia.
    • Australians and Britons now have a total of three years to live and work in each other’s countries under the working holiday visa program, fostering deeper cultural exchange and collaboration between the two nations.
    • The Government has recommended enabling Working Holiday Maker visa holders to count their work in tourism and hospitality in hard-to-staff areas, providing more flexibility and opportunities for individuals seeking such employment.

    And that’s it for the recent changes to working holiday visa rules as part of this informative guide.


    In conclusion, the Work and Holiday Visa program offers an exciting opportunity for young people to explore Australia while working. It is important to meet the specific eligibility criteria for each visa type, including age requirements and specified work conditions.

    Understanding the rules and regulations is crucial to make the most of this unique experience. So, ensure all necessary documents are in order before embarking on this adventure Down Under!

    If you’d like to avoid potential setbacks, familiarise yourself with the common reasons for work visa cancellation before planning your Australian adventure.


    CJMigration is a well-respected Sydney migration agency with over 30 years of experience in the industry. We can help guide you through the process and achieve your immigration goals.

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