Ending ‘visa Hopping’ In The Migration System in 2024

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    Corazon Jasa

    Written: June 13, 2024

    Updated: June 14, 2024

    8 min read


    You might have heard about ‘visa hopping’ causing issues in Australia’s migration system. In the past year, over 150,000 international students applied for a second or subsequent student visa – that’s a 30% increase! This blog will guide you through new rules set to stop this trend and make the system fairer.

    Keep reading to find out more!

    Measures to Address Visa Hopping

    To address visa hopping, some visitor visas at the discretion of some case officers now have no further stay conditions. Student visas require genuine student enrollment and onshore visa applications for Visitor and Temporary Graduate visa holders are restricted.

    From 1 July 2024, Temporary Graduate, Visitor and Maritime Crew visa holders will be unable to apply for a Student visa while in Australia. In addition to existing visas from which it is already not possible to apply for a Student visa onshore, the complete list of visa holders that will be unable to apply for a Student visa onshore are:

    Implementation of no further stay conditions on visitor visas

    The government has taken a firm step to curb visa hopping by implementing “no further stay” conditions on some visitor visas at the discretion of the case officers. This move directly targets those who attempt to misuse the visitor visa system by repeatedly applying for consecutive visas without returning home.

    These conditions make it clear that you cannot apply for another visa while still in Australia, ensuring the integrity of the migration system is maintained.

    Genuine Student requirement for student visas

    You must meet the Genuine Student requirement to secure a student visa, which is a crucial step aimed at ensuring the integrity of Australia’s student visa system. This measure prevents individuals from exploiting the system by hopping from one student visa to another without genuine intentions of completing their studies.

    It filters out those who do not genuinely intend to pursue education and focuses on preserving the quality and reputation of Australia’s educational institutions.

    Ensuring that every applicant truly intends to undertake their studies maintains the legitimacy and trust in the Australian education sector globally. This approach allows for maintaining a high standard among international students, thus contributing significantly to both the academic community and broader society through cultural exchange and economic contributions.

    Restriction on onshore visa applications for Visitor and Temporary Graduate visa holders

    Starting 1 July, if you hold a Visitor Visa or a Temporary Graduate Visa, applying for a Student Visa while you’re still in Australia becomes off-limits. This step forms part of the broader strategy to strengthen offshore student visa integrity.

    For Visitor Visa and Temporary Graduate Visa holders looking to transition to studying in Australia, planning ahead is crucial. You’ll need to consider your options from outside the country before making any moves toward furthering your education on Australian soil.

    This change pushes you towards better preparation and ensures that all applicants meet the necessary criteria right from their home country. It’s aimed at streamlining the migration process by keeping it fair and maintaining high standards across all visa applications.

    Whether you’re thinking about extending your stay for educational purposes or shifting gears academically, understanding these new restrictions will guide you in mapping out your next steps accurately without running into unexpected roadblocks.

    Additional Changes for Temporary Graduate Visa Holders

    Temporary Graduate Visa Holders will experience shortened post-study work rights, face reduced age limits, and encounter increased English language requirements. These changes are designed to enhance the migration system by addressing loopholes and ensuring a more strategic approach towards temporary residency pathways.

    Shortened post-study work rights

    Starting from 1 July, you’ll notice significant changes if you hold or plan to obtain a Temporary Graduate visa. Post-study work rights, which allowed graduates to remain in Australia and work for a certain period after completing their studies, have been shortened.

    This alteration means you may have less time to gain valuable work experience in Australia before needing to return home or apply for a different visa. It’s crucial for you to understand these adjusted temporary graduate visa provisions as they directly impact your employment prospects and postgraduation plans.

    With reduced poststudy work rights, your options after graduation become more limited. You will need to plan carefully and perhaps reassess your goals based on this modified regulation that diminishes the duration you can work post-graduation.

    These revised visa holder work rights are part of broader efforts to streamline migration and ensure that those who remain in Australia temporarily contribute meaningfully during their stay.

    Keep this change in mind as it significantly influences the opportunities available to you after completing your education here.

    Reduced age limits

    Moving on from the topic of shortened post-study work rights, you’ll find that changes to age limits for Temporary Graduate visa holders mark another significant shift in Australian immigration policy.

    Authorities have decided to reduce the maximum age limit from 50 to 35 years. This change, set to take effect from 1 July, directly impacts your eligibility if you’re eyeing temporary residency as a stepping stone towards skilled migration or permanent residency in Australia.

    This adjustment reflects a strategic approach to strengthen the workforce with younger talent who can contribute significantly over a longer period. If you are between the ages of 36 and 50 and considering applying for a Temporary Graduate visa, this development necessitates reevaluating your plans.

    You might now need to explore other pathways or accelerate your application process before these new regulations come into play.

    Increased English language requirements

    Starting from 1 July, you will face higher English language requirements if you’re looking to secure a Temporary Graduate visa. This change means you must demonstrate improved proficiency in the English language through standardised tests.

    The aim is to ensure that Temporary Graduate visa holders possess the language competency necessary for both professional environments and everyday communication in Australia.

    To meet these revised requirements, preparing for and passing an English language proficiency test becomes crucial. These enhanced standards are not just about fulfilling visa conditions; they showcase your ability to thrive in skilled positions across various industries within Australia.

    Your success in meeting these fluency standards plays a key role in your journey to securing employment as a skilled visa holder.

    Quotes from Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security Clare O’Neil

    Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security Clare O’Neil stressed the importance of building a smaller, better planned, and more strategic migration system. To learn more about her insights, dive into the full article.

    Emphasis on building a smaller, better planned, and more strategic migration system

    Clare O’Neil, Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security, stresses the importance of shaping a migration system that’s smaller, smarter and more strategic. This means focusing efforts on pinpointing the exact skills Australia needs while closing off any loopholes or avenues for exploitation.

    It’s about quality over quantity, ensuring each migrant possesses the necessary skills without falling prey to rorts.

    You’ll find this approach delivers a dual benefit: supporting your community by filling genuine skill gaps and providing migrants with meaningful opportunities in their chosen fields.

    This shift aims to streamline immigration processes, making them more transparent and targeted at Australia’s economic growth and security needs.


    Restricting ‘visa hopping’ is crucial to shaping a more strategic migration system. By implementing measures such as no further stay conditions on visitor visas and genuine student requirements, the Australian Government aims to minimise loopholes in the migration strategy.

    Furthermore, additional changes for Temporary Graduate visa holders are set to reduce net overseas migration, with the goal of building a smaller, better-planned system. These actions signify the government’s commitment to creating a streamlined and efficient pathway for skilled migrants, ensuring Australia’s long-term prosperity.


    CJMigration is a well-respected Sydney migration agency with over 30 years of experience in the industry. We can help guide you through the process and achieve your immigration goals.

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